Monday, January 28, 2013

Feeling Stagnant In Your Job

Do you ever feel like something is missing from your career or job? You no longer feel challenged. You live for the weekend so that you can enjoy life; maybe you hate Monday’s .

When we feel our life is unfulfilled we can get frustrated. We start looking at and comparing our career or job to those of others. We imagine that other’s lives are better than ours and we begin to want what we think they have.  We start to think that maybe it’s time for a career/job change. Have you ever considered that maybe it’s not the career or job? 

Do you know what your passions are? If you don’t know what you want to do with your life then, how can you take the necessary steps to choose a career or a job that will make you happy? If you determine that it is time to move on, to do something different, are you willing to leave the security of your current career/job and pursue your dreams? Or will you remain stuck; afraid to venture out?
Life is a maze and without a map or directions you will continue to feel lost. You can’t get what you want if you don’t have a sense of direction. No matter what we do in our lives, jobs or careers, ultimately, we just want to be happy.

Before making a career change (just because you may be bored), look at your options. What will it take to live a passionate life? Determine what immediate changes can be made to get out of feeling stagnant. If you're feeling stuck and need some assistance, schedule a free 1:1 consultation.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Lettuce Eat, Drink and Be Healthy

Wow. I need to lose weight. That seems so very daunting. What am I going to do? How am I going to tackle this? 

There are so many “diet”s out there. The idea of following a plan with the word die in it is stressful in itself. So, I decided that I needed a plan that will allow me to live a healthy life (without using the D word). I’ve researched some of the well known weight loss programs and have determined that those plans won’t work for me. Why? The plans don’t really address why there was the weight gain. I needed to acknowledge what type of eater I was (i.e. emotional, bored, etc.). Until I was completely honest with why I overate, the process to correct the behavior couldn’t begin. I had to address (and change) any false beliefs I held relating to unhealthy eating.

I found that I am an emotional eater. I would eat when I was under stress; having a "bad" day. Making this determination put me on the path of eating more raw foods and green smoothies. I can purchase vegetables that I normally wouldn't eat and add them to my smoothies. What a great way of "hiding" a vegetable I might not like (i.e. kale, which I'm enjoying more each day). Smoothies are a great way to "eat". My favorite smoothie contains a mixture of kale, cucumber, spinach, dandelion greens, ground flaxseed; chia seeds, and a banana.

As time goes by, I crave fast foods less and less. I find that I enjoy eating healthy. I now make sure that I have healthy food, snacks and treats in my home. I look forward to my journey of discovering a more nutritious lifestyle. So, until then, lettuce eat, drink and be healthy.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

False Beliefs, False Concepts and False Ideas

As a child, I was always told what I could or couldn’t do.  I was told that I was a dreamer and that my dreams would never come to pass. My parents felt that they knew what was best for me. My Catholic background dictated that I honor what my parents wanted me to do. I can remember as far back as 3rd grade where I began to question why I felt “unbalanced”. I continued doing what my parents wanted/suggested well into adulthood. Although I worked at a job that provided me with stability, I was not passionate about what I did. I decided to make some changes in my life. I began to look at the beliefs that were prevalent in my life. I realized that my parents raised me based on their own belief systems (as to how they were raised), and then it hit me.  I needed to break the chains of my internal false beliefs, and build my new foundation.

How do you determine which beliefs are true and which ones are false? Breaking the cycle of false beliefs that may cause limitations takes some soul searching. One of the steps you can take is detaching yourself from anything that you know is not true. Don't mourn over beliefs that you have found to be untrue. Instead, take a look at what you learned from holding on to those untruths. Holding on to false beliefs will only contribute towards being unhappy. What do you see are the benefits of letting go of those limiting false beliefs?  How will letting go change your life? 

If you're struggling with how to let go or you are finding it difficult to change false/limiting beliefs, contact me at Let me show you how you can live a life without limitations.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Overcoming Hurdles

Have you ever had to overcome hurdles in your life? Do you handle these hurdles with ease? I remember as a child how easy it was to let things roll off of me. I could shake off someone's attitude or ignore someone's behavior. It didn't phase me in the least. As I grew older, I started taking things personally. How people treated me began to impact my behavior and attitude.

We allow others to drag us down to their levels of unhappiness.  We stumble over hurdles focusing on what we allowed to happen to us or by situations we created. We need to stop living in the hurts of the past. It's time to move on.

Thinking positively can assist in how we choose to handle hurdles. Some minor steps to overcoming hurdles are to not be insecure or easily offended; release any pre-conceived thoughts of rejection. This will go a long way towards knocking down hurdles.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Scared Spitless.

Do you remember learning how to ride a bicycle? I was about 12 years old when I learned to ride my friend's bike. I liked the feeling of sitting on a bike. I imagined feeling the cool breeze sweeping across my face as I pedaled faster and faster.

The problem was that I was afraid to move. I was scared spitless. Would I fall off the bike and hurt myself? Would I hit a parked car? Would I be paralyzed with fear?

Life can be like riding a bike. We are faced with many fears. Sometimes, we tend to beat ourselves up if we make the wrong choice or decision. We focus on how we will be perceived.  When we have these feelings of fear, it can prevent us from trying different things; taking chances or risks. This results in not been able to determine what you are capable of doing or becoming.

We're all faced with challenges. We can't let fear talk us out of learning news things. Part of growing is falling and getting back up again. That's what I did when learning to ride a bike. I fell, I scraped my knees, but, I continued to get up. I was determined to rid myself of the fear.

Trust yourself that you can break through any limitations. The day you quit being fearful will take you from being scared spitless to being able to function fearlessly.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Forgiveness: Getting Rid of The Junk In Your Trunk

What type of junk do you carry in your trunk? As a child, we tend to be carefree. We're resilient. We tend to let things "roll off" of us. As we get into our teens and adult years, we learn about emotions (positive and negative) and how they impact us and our relationships (personal, business and job related). Negative emotions, or junk, can build up and cause stress.

So, how do you go about getting rid of the "junk in your trunk"? One of the first steps is to identify the negative feeling(s). Is it anger, frustration, hurt, loneliness, sickness, guilt, etc.? Is the feeling a result of a perceived injustice done against you or a loved one? Did you cause pain towards someone else? Or maybe you are mad at yourself.

After you acknowledge what the issue is, determine how you will go about forgiving yourself or the other person. Holding on to unforgiveness is like having a scab formed over your heart. The hardness of the scab tends to itch and you begin to pick away at the scab. Eventually, the scab is gone.

When you carry unforgiveness in your heart, it accumulates as junk in your trunk, like excess baggage you gather during a vacation. What do you have packed in your suitcase? Just as you unpack your suitcase, you have to unpack your hurt. Throw out what's old and causing you pain. Make room in your trunk for positive things to happen.

Forgiving is freeing. You owe it to yourself to have a happy, stress free life. If you need a helping hand in getting started, you may contact me at

Monday, January 7, 2013

Once You Slap A Pit Bull.

I love dogs. They are great companions and protectors. Dogs are faithful. At times, dogs can become defensive. They will guard their turf no matter what. There is something about pit bulls however, that makes me uncomfortable. Pit bulls have been known to cause serious harm. I'm nervous around pit bulls because I don't know how they were raised. Are they gentle or mean?

Once you slap a pit bull you have to outrun it. This is a funny saying. Can you picture yourself running as fast as you can to get away? What can you expect once you are caught?

Life is sometimes like this. We were raised with many generational false beliefs. We don't want to be hurt so we build walls for protection. When people try to get close to us we sometimes run away; afraid of what might happen when the "real" me is exposed.

What are you running from? What walls would you like to break/tear down? Let's explore how you can live a happier life. Contact me for a free 30 minute session @

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Woe is Me.

Do you have a "victims mentality"? Do you feel as if there's a rain cloud following you around? Boy, have I been there. I used to blame others for things that happened to me. It wasn't my fault. Someone did something to provoke me; to get a reaction out of me. People were mean to me.

Have you been in situations where parents, siblings, friends, teachers and/or bosses told you that you just didn't get it; you didn't have what it takes; you were worthless; or you would never be successful? How many times did you not only believe those lies, you allowed the lies to fester? I know how that feels. I believed many of what authority figures told me. Because of these false beliefs/perceptions, I was able to justify and support my past negative behaviors. My victims mentality enabled me to easily explain away all the reasons why I shouldn't trust people; why I was always angry and why I didn't like myself.

As I got older, I realized how unhealthy this attitude was. I began to understand that not everyone had a clear picture of who I was. I began to see that people were comparing me to and judging me based on how they were raised (which only led to misjudgments). People expected me to behave as they would behave.

I had a strong desire for more happiness in my life. I started believing in myself. My attitude began to change. Little by little I knocked down the false beliefs, ideas and concepts that was clogging my brain. Getting clear on who I am and where my life was headed led me on a different path. The woe in me became the "Wow in Me".

I  became a DIVA. I:

D on't
I nternalize
V ictim
A ttitudes  

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Resolutions.

Well, 2012 has come and gone. When reflecting on 2012, there may be things that we wished had had a better outcome. Maybe we resolved to do better at our job, career, health, finances or at life in general. Did you make resolutions? So many of us have good intentions when making resolutions. Why do you think resolutions fall by the way side and aren't kept?

Well, it's 2013; a brand new year. We all have a chance to start the year off with a fresh outlook. I for one don't make yearly resolutions. I found that I was conning myself into thinking that 1) I had a true desire or 2) I would actually do something for an entire year.

Making resolutions require commitments.You have to have enough faith in yourself that you will stick with the plan. I've found many reasons why the resolution(s) I made were no longer applicable, desirable, or reasonable.

Instead of yearly resolutions I now make daily or weekly commitments. I may commit to eating healthy for a week @ a time as opposed to saying that I'm going to eat healthy for an entire year. It's easier to commit to a week and then extend that commitment week by week. Next thing you know your weekly commitment has turned into a year. How cool is that?

If you struggle with keeping resolutions, consider committing to shorter timeframes. It'll reduce any anxiety or stress related to lengthy resolutions and it's easier to attain.