Saturday, January 26, 2013

Lettuce Eat, Drink and Be Healthy

Wow. I need to lose weight. That seems so very daunting. What am I going to do? How am I going to tackle this? 

There are so many “diet”s out there. The idea of following a plan with the word die in it is stressful in itself. So, I decided that I needed a plan that will allow me to live a healthy life (without using the D word). I’ve researched some of the well known weight loss programs and have determined that those plans won’t work for me. Why? The plans don’t really address why there was the weight gain. I needed to acknowledge what type of eater I was (i.e. emotional, bored, etc.). Until I was completely honest with why I overate, the process to correct the behavior couldn’t begin. I had to address (and change) any false beliefs I held relating to unhealthy eating.

I found that I am an emotional eater. I would eat when I was under stress; having a "bad" day. Making this determination put me on the path of eating more raw foods and green smoothies. I can purchase vegetables that I normally wouldn't eat and add them to my smoothies. What a great way of "hiding" a vegetable I might not like (i.e. kale, which I'm enjoying more each day). Smoothies are a great way to "eat". My favorite smoothie contains a mixture of kale, cucumber, spinach, dandelion greens, ground flaxseed; chia seeds, and a banana.

As time goes by, I crave fast foods less and less. I find that I enjoy eating healthy. I now make sure that I have healthy food, snacks and treats in my home. I look forward to my journey of discovering a more nutritious lifestyle. So, until then, lettuce eat, drink and be healthy.

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