Sunday, March 31, 2013
Detoxing is not pleasant. The word itself makes me cringe. Throughout our lives we fill ourselves up with things that cause us stress, heartache, anger, disappointment, false beliefs, etc. We are then faced with the challenge of making corrections; of detoxing our lives.
In order to begin your detox, you have to take a look at what is concerning you. Are you feeling blocked by choices you've made? Are you so overwhelmed with options that you just want to hide under the covers?
One of the first detox steps to take is to acknowledge where or what needs changing. Each of us were raised with beliefs passed down from generation to generation. We also have beliefs passed on to us from teachers, bosses and friends (to name a few). As we get older, we may begin to question our belief system. How do we rid ourselves of false beliefs, false ideas and false concepts?
Having the desire to make changes is another step. Making changes won't always be easy. There will be roadblocks and challenges to face. Doubt will rear its ugly head causing us to question whether making any changes is worth the effort. What is stopping you from letting go of things that you continue to hold on to? Take action by getting rid of anything that serves no purpose or causes you to cease moving forward.
As you go through your detox, there will be both good and bad days. If you feel yourself wanting to give up, focus on the goal of a new you. If you slip and get off track, that's ok. Get back on board. The difference will be in whether you continue with your detox or revert back to your old habits/ways.
You can't complete your cleanse if you disregard the positive steps you've taken. Continue to unclog your mind. Free yourself of any limitations. Detoxing is a process that you will continue throughout your life. The question is: How often do you really want to repeat the process?
Friday, March 29, 2013
New Beginnings: A Fresh Start
My mom was married to my dad for 63-years. She never learned
to drive and was dependent on my dad to “get around”. Since my dad's passing,
my mom has been challenged to become more independent. She is now getting
around by bus and is seeing different areas of her city that she hadn’t seen
before. Mom is beginning to enjoy life again, one day at a time.
Is it time for you to make a fresh start? We all get a "feeling" deep inside of us that indicates when things aren't right. Maybe there are changes in our life that are overdue, however, we don't know where to start. It is absolutely amazing what can be accomplished by being open to learning new things and getting rid of any limitations.Making a fresh start may require that we detox our life. Life will kick our butts, block our minds and even turn us upside down to get our attention. Don't get weighed down. Turn things around by de-cluttering your life. Make space for new things. Free your mind of self-limiting thoughts and behaviors. Be receptive to new things.
Tomorrow provides us with opportunities to slow down and re-map our busy lives. We will encounter many crossroads that will lead us to different challenges. We can avoid many pot-holes by following our heart as it leads us through life's journey.
You've got the green light to move forward. How will you handle the second chances that are showing up in your life?
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Hitting The Escape Key (A State of Confusion)
There are times in our lives that we just want to remain under the covers and hide. We want to run away, escape, take a break.
Have you ever been unclear as to what to do? Have you been
afraid to make changes in your life because you’re comfortable just leaving
things as is? Life is full of challenges. The decisions we make are important. We want to ensure that our decisions are sound, made from the heart and not ruled by our emotions.
Decisions are typically made based on our belief system or what we believe to be true. As young adults, our beliefs are taught to us and passed down to us from family (generation to generation). Teachers can also influence our beliefs. How do you differentiate between false and true beliefs?
Many false beliefs keep us in a state of
confusion. Breaking down those false beliefs can be challenging in that we have to:
* acknowledge the source of the false belief
* decide whether we want to change that false
* then take the appropriate action to change and/or remove
that false belief.
What will holding on to false beliefs do for us? How will our lives be impacted? We will encounter strife, unhappiness, flawed decision making abilities, etc. Is that how you want to go through life?
Breaking the binds can be so freeing. Take the necessary steps towards getting rid of “negativity” in your life. Come out from under the covers. Start your deliverance by ending your state of confusion. This will put
you on the path of living a passionate life.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Window Shopping: Deciding Your Future
At times we all window shop when it comes to deciding our future. Do you know what you want out of life, a career or a job? There are so many options available to each of us. The challenge is to determine what gets you excited.
Are you pursuing your dream(s) or are you window shopping, trying on different careers and/or jobs to see what fits? When you enter the "store of life" there are many paths or aisles that you can walk down. Each aisle is filled with numerous options. Do you want to travel; go to college; become an entrepreneur; etc.? If you don't know exactly what you are looking for you might end up with a defect, doing something that was not meant to be.
When we window shop, we're just looking. We're not willing to make a commitment because we are unsure of our decision(s). What if we turn down the wrong aisle? Do we take the first opportunity that presents itself even though it's not the right fit or, do we wait for a "sure thing"?
Knowing what you want gives you the confidence to focus on what's important. Being focused allows you to stay on track. Bypass any unnecessary aisles or roadblocks that might lead to a dead end. Don't waste time shopping for things you don't want.
Recall as a child things that made you happy; things that you would enjoy doing over and over again and carried over into your teens/adulthood. Make a list of the things that you are passionate about. Prioritize your list. Focus on the top 2-3 prioritized items. Develop an action plan to ensure that with a solid commitment, you can attain your dreams.
Be happy doing what you enjoy. Life is too short to live life with a window shopping mentality.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
As Useless as The G in Lasagna
There are so many things in life that (for many) serve no purpose. What do you do with useless "stuff" (advice, thoughts, etc.)?
Some funny and/or useless things I've heard of or encountered:
* people telling you to be yourself and then being judged by those same people.
* why play a lullaby for someone who can't sleep?
* putting a homeless person on house arrest.
* letting your past dictate how to live your future.
* taking advice from people who can't fix their own lives.
* worrying about things you can't control.
* buying liquor, getting drunk & then vomiting. You can get the same effect for free by sticking your finger down your throat.
* getting mad @ a company's automated telephone computer (when you can't get to the operator or the right option).
* always being angry.
We've all faced illogical, unsolicited advice (usually from people who mean well). Unfortunately, not all advice is pertinent. We know our situation best. At times, when we have to make critical or swift decisions, it's best not to let our emotions take over. We all have imperfections. We all have room to grow. There are lessons to be learned.
One way to thwart getting unsolicited and or bad advice is to limit (or stop) the amount of information you share with others. Don't waste your energy on things that don't have a positive impact on your life. Take responsibility for your own life. When you do, the negatives will roll right off of you, becoming as useless as the "g" in lasagna.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
No One Likes To Be "Should" On
Do you enjoy being told what to do? You should do this, you shouldn't do that. Why do people feel it's their "right" to determine how we want to live our lives?
As a child, parents and teachers offer guidance as to how decisions are made. The key seems to be on the approach that is taken. Telling someone what they "better do" or "should/shouldn't do" is not always received or seen in a positive light. What emotions do you encounter when you are told what you better do? Do you want to follow what you're being instructed to do or do you ignore the individual?
We all have expectations of ourselves and of others. When expectations aren't met it results in disappointment. We wonder about the need others have to manage or control our actions (especially if these individuals have difficulty managing their own lives).
Those of us wearing the "you better" or "you should" hats may want to consider how we phrase our comments/advise. If the true intent is to help the individual, then a "scolding" approach is not appropriate.
Consider your reaction when people tell you what you should or shouldn't do. Do you feel as if you're being perceived as not being capable of making sound decisions? Don't allow others to dictate who you are or what your capabilities are. Recognize that the advice being given to you may have nothing to do with you or your situation.
The bottom line is that no one likes to be "should on". Glean what you can from the advice being offered. If there's value to the advice, accept it and take the appropriate action. If there is no value, ignore the advice and move on.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Don't Label Me
Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me. I remember reciting that as a child whenever a playmate would call me names. Growing up and being labeled negatively is hurtful. No one likes to be the recipient of negative comments.
Throughout our lives we are "labeled" by well meaning individuals. The labels given to us by parents, siblings, friends, teachers, bosses, etc., contribute to the inner dialog we have with ourself. You're too skinny, overweight, too short, too tall, not smart enough, you don't have what it takes, etc.
What happens when you begin to believe and internalize these labels? When you start supporting the labels, you make them your "truths". You carry these truths with you until you decide differently.
Walt Disney was told as a teen that he wasn't creative and had no imagination. He ignored the comments. When he got older, he created Disneyworld and Disneyland. Lucille Ball was told that she had no acting skills. She ignored the comments and ended up becoming a successful comedienne and star of the hit TV show, I love Lucy.
Don't buy into the "baloney" that others will sling your way. You are not how others may perceive you. Know your own value by discovering what's in you. Get rid of negative chatter by keeping your inner chatter positive. That is the only way to peel off the labels that have stuck to you.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
5 Signs That You're Bored With Your Job
Do you hate your job? Are you always in TGIF mode? You're not alone.
You may be feeling unhappy or stagnant @ your job, yet are unsure as to what is causing you to feel as you do. 5 signs that you're bored with your job are:
1. It's become too routine.
2. There's no challenge or growth opportunities.
3. You're in it for or need the paycheck.
4. You hate Monday's and can't wait for Friday's.
5. You're not receiving the recognition you feel you deserve.
As a child, we're not afraid to try different things until we find what makes us happy. We are willing to do whatever it takes to continue to gain satisfaction. As we move into high school, we should have a better understanding of what to pursue in college. This understanding should be based on what you're passionate about.
When you decide to pursue a job or career it's important that you know your talents, what your interests are, what your passions are and what your goals are. If you don't understand your own makeup, how will you determine the criteria required that will make and keep you happy?
One thing that is clear: the salary should NEVER be the only deciding factor in pursuing a job/career. Do you identify with one of the 5 signs above? If you're fed up going to a job you don't like and you want to consider whether changing jobs is right for you contact me for a free consultation @
Monday, March 11, 2013
Knock, Knock. Who's there?
Is opportunity knocking at your door?
Opportunities are defined as a chance for progress or advancement; a favorable or suitable occasion.
Throughout our lives we are presented with many opportunities. At times we don't recognize the signs. Sometimes, we slam the door in its face.
There are different reasons as to why opportunities present themselves to us. Maybe it's a job opportunity, a new relationship, an answer to our prayers, or maybe there is a lesson that we need to learn. You my be the opportunity that someone else needs.
Like gifts with pretty bows & ribbons, many opportunities are being given to us. Unwrap each gift with appreciation. Savor the moment.
How we handle what is being presented to us will determine the impact on our lives. If you don't answer when opportunity knocks, you could miss out on just what you need. It may be the answer to what you've been praying or hoping for. If you are fearful of what the opportunity presents, you will remain "stuck" where you are. This will result in self-imposed roadblocks that prevent you from moving forward.
You have the ability of shaping your life into what you want. When you hear the knocking, get up!! All you have to do is answer the door. See and experience what is waiting for you as you open the door to opportunity.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Who's Judging Me Now?
We have all experienced being judged by someone else. I'm not talking about judging contests. I'm talking about someone having an incorrect perception of you and holding on to that judgement. People will form an opinion of you based on what they see or hear. If you're tall, short, skinny, overweight, disabled, tattooed, from another country, etc., judgements are made.
How often do you judge people? Do you make judgements out of habit? Have you ever wondered whether you've judged someone incorrectly or unfairly?
We see this happen in schools all the time. The "cool" kids judge kids they consider "nerds". Kids are judged on how they dress, talk and act. They are judged based on their grades. Kids are also judged unfairly by their parents, siblings, friends and teachers.
Judging carries over into adulthood. You're told not to compare yourself to others. When you become employed, judgements and comparisons are made as to how you "stack up" against your peers.
Have you ever considered the impact your judgements can make on other individuals? Our words can lift someone up or tear someone down. Our words can create chaos in our lives as well as the lives of others. We sometimes take these judgements even further by "sharing" our judgements with others without making any attempts to determine whether our judgements are valid. We spread rumors or gossip oftentimes not concerning ourselves with any damage we may inflict. Imagine being the recipient of and hearing untrue comments that were made about you.
Isn't it time that we make a conscious effort to overcome being judgmental? Decide to only speak words that have a positive impact. Refuse to believe any of the negative baloney that we hear. Stop engaging in rumors and/or gossip. Remember, those individuals bringing you gossip and rumors about others are also sharing rumors and gossip about you to others.
When you decide to not engage in destructive judgements, you begin to see changes in how you treat people. People's judgements of you change. What others think of you no longer carries any weight. Negative comments "roll off" your back. You have less stress in your life. So, go ahead and fire your internal judge. Become a happier person. These steps will move you in the direction of having a better life.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
You're Such a Dreamer....
I love to dream. Dreams serve a purpose. I believe that you receive revelations from your dreams.
I remember being told as a child that it was silly to dream. As I grew older I needed to "get my head out of the clouds" and deal with reality. Dreaming has contributed to who I am today. Dreaming provides you with opportunities of what you can accomplish.
Have you ever considered where we would be without dreams? People like Steve Jobs, Mother Theresa, Benjamin Franklin, Michel Jordan, Alexander Graham Bell, Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer (just to name a few) each had dreams. They knew what they were called to do. They turned a deaf ear to the naysayers. Giving up was not an option.
Electricity, telephones/cell phones, Professional Sports Leagues/Teams, air flight, all began with someone's dreams. Children, as well as adults, dream of getting college degrees. My 10 year old grandson has a dream of playing professional basketball. One of my dreams is to become an author (& I am currently writing an eBook).
Dreaming opens up opportunities and can reveal to you what path you were meant to travel. The question is what are you going to do with your dreams? Are you okay with just dreaming or are you willing to take the steps that can turn your dream into reality? Not having a game plan will make your efforts more difficult. There will be times that you may get frustrated and want to give up. However, if you stay focused and keep your "eye on the prize" your efforts won't be in vain.
Your dreams are the starting point. Go ahead. Take the first step. Determine what your dreams are revealing to you. Map out a strategy that will move you forward. Live your dream!
Monday, March 4, 2013
Living a Passionate Life
Living a Passionate Life. When you think of being passionate about what you do, what comes to mind? My grandson is passionate about playing sports (basketball, baseball & football). He wants to have fun. He wants to do his best. At 10-yrs old, he has decided that his future happiness will consist of playing sports professionally.
Did you know that 80% of American's are NOT passionate about what they do? That means that 4 out of 5 people you meet or work with aren't being fulfilled. We can go through our entire life trying to "find" the right fit.
How do you determine what your purpose is in life? Do you recall what you enjoyed doing as a child? Your childhood can be a starting point in providing clues as to what brings you joy.
Write down things that excite you. Prioritize your list in order to obtain your top 5 interests/passions. Whatever decisions you make towards your career/job or retirement should be based on these top 5 passions. Implement a game plan that puts you on a path of living your passions. When you take responsibility and are willing to make the commitment to fulfill your destiny, you will find that you already know how to proceed.
At times you may feel discouraged or dissatisfied. Don't give up. You may be on the right track. These feelings can assist you in 'weeding out' any limitations or self-sabotage that you may be creating. Don't waste time focusing and/or doing things that won't lead you to your ultimate goal of being happy.
Do you have a Ph. D. in excuses? Is it always some thing or someone else's fault as to why you are stuck where you are? Let go of any excuses or blame as to why you're not living a passionate life.
Be clear on what you want. Become the change you want to see. Develop your plan and action steps for accomplishing your dreams. Following these steps will put you in the category with the 20% of Americans that are passionate about what they do.
If you need assistance in mapping out your course, consider engaging in a free 30-minute discovery session @
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Afraid of Change?
Change is inevitable. There's no way to avoid change. We change hairstyles, jobs, careers, homes; we change our minds, our cars, we change direction, etc. Life is full of changes.
Change can be negative and/or positive. We can welcome change or we can fear change. What matters is how we handle or accept the changes. Do you stay in a job you don't like because your afraid to start over? Or maybe you don't want to learn anything new? Do you stay in a relationship because you don't want to be alone?
We all have choices. You can decide to fight the changes, which can lead to stress, unhappiness, etc., or you can decide to face the changes head-on. You can appreciate that eventually all changes are for the good (long term). We may not understand the relevancy or the need for the change, however, in the long run, the changes could have a direct impact on our happiness.
At times, there's no denying the difficulty some changes can bring. We fret over school tuitions, making our mortgage payments, the cost of food and gas. We hope that whatever changes come our way won't negatively affect our lifestyles.
Stepping into the changes positively is the correct approach. With a little bit of "tweaking" we can adjust our perception of changes. Change is inevitable. Grab hold of the steering wheel and set your course for happiness.
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