Monday, April 22, 2013

Why Must I Go Through These Changes?

It's impossible to live your life without some type of change occurring. From the time we're little, well into adulthood, change is inevitable. As a child, change is a no brainer; you just go with the flow. Why is it that, when reaching the teen and adult years, change becomes more difficult?

When things become routine, whether good or bad, the tendency is to leave well enough alone. After all, why rock the boat? If changes pose a threat to our routine or doesn't feel right the changes can be met with resistance. Doing something new or differently, can provide feelings of uncertainty. As self-doubt creeps into our minds, we are taken out of our comfort zone. Situations will be different, especially, if we aren't prepared for the changes (i.e. changes in job duties, layoffs, marital status, etc).

Changes can cause strife and if we are on overload there is always the possibility of taking our stress out on others. Being irritable and stressful exposes us to conflict. Recognizing, understanding and dealing with the stress positively will diffuse the situation.    

When faced with making changes, we can choose to look at these changes as opportunities. Sometimes, change will move us toward learning new things. We can test the change, see if it's something that we can take on (i.e. new job duties). We can determine whether or not the change is a good fit, then, take the appropriate action.  

It's important to not allow any perceived negative changes to cause stress or keep us from moving forward. When you always look at things from a positive perspective, you begin to see the changes as changes for the better.

How do you handle the changes in your life?

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