Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Liar, liar, pants on fire is a nursery rhyme taught to children. Every time, a child is caught lying, they face being taunted by playmates singing this little song. Kids have vivid imaginations. They don't necessarily think that they are lying when they stretch the truth.

Do you recall the story of Pinocchio? Every time he told a lie his nose would grow. There are some children who were taught to believe in that fairy tale. Fortunately, they grew out of that false belief.

Have you ever considered why a lie is told or what the outcome is of telling a lie? Typically, people lie to impress others, "white" lies are told by withholding a portion of the truth out of concern that the entire truth could be harmful, people lie to evade issues, and at times, malicious lies are told by "mean-spirited" and oftentimes jealous individuals. There are many more examples of why lies are told.

Lets take a look at some of the outcomes of lying. Lying can cause ruin to one's reputation or character (if the lie is believed). Lying can delay an outcome, however, eventually, the situation will have to be dealt with. A "white lie" is formed out of good intentions, however, when discovered, still causes doubt as to why the need for the lie. "Mean-spirited" individuals sparked by jealousy often spread vicious lies. The ultimate goal is to disparage an individual. Eventually, the "mean-spirited" individual is found out and held to task for their role in the lie.

Other types of lies to consider are the lies we tell ourselves. Lies such as you'll never be successful, you're no good; you're overweight, you're not a good parent, etc. These lies are the most challenging, in that we convince ourselves that the lies are true. We deceive ourselves by holding on to these non-truths. We shame ourselves with the mindset that these negative thoughts originating from both our childhood and adulthood are a permanent fixture. Akin to planting a tree, we water the seeds and watch as the lies grow. Just as the branches of a tree are intertwined, so are the lies embedded in our heart and mind.

The reality is that we don't have to support the lies. We don't have to suffer by living with a victim's mentality. We can change our circumstances. Circumstance is defined as a condition that accompanies or modifies a fact or event, a modifying or influencing factor. It is our choice to either believe the lie and remain stuck or recognize the truth and make some changes.

So, ask yourself, what truths are you willing to acknowledge and focus on? Are you willing to free yourself of the lies or will you continue to play "liar, liar, pants on fire" in your mind? The choice is yours.

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