Saturday, November 23, 2013

Lessons From A Dog's Life

I have a rescue dog that is part terrier. She loves to run and play with certain types of dogs. She's very protective and will defend me if she thinks I'm in danger.

My dog is loyal. When I think of her, it reminds me of how we have a similar lifestyle. I enjoy life. I enjoy the freedom of making choices, being with friends and family. I am protective of my family especially if I feel that they are in harms way.

Dogs lead such simple lives. They are always happy to see us. They are patient and are willing to wait for whatever time we have to devote to them. When they have our attention, you can see their eagerness to please, to have fun and to explore whatever we choose to share with them. Unless they don't feel well, it's rare that dogs are sad. Dogs, for the most part, have good, positive, dispositions.

We can learn a few things from observing a dog's life. When a dog's ears go "up" they are sensing that something has changed. When trouble is looming, they may begin with a low growl that can grow and become loud incessant barking. This will alert us that something needs our attention. In our day-to-day lives, we sometimes get premonitions when something is "off". Our intuition attempts to gain our attention by sending thoughts of doubt. It's up to us whether we choose to heed these warnings or deal with the consequences.

At a young age, dogs develop personality traits that define their nature. They learn behaviors from their owners. Will they be playful, lazy, mean, good-natured, etc? We've heard that dogs take on the personality of their owners. Certain types of dogs are natural born leaders. Some dogs are "bullies", always needing to show who's the boss. Do you tend to be a leader, playful and helpful? Or do you prefer bullying tactics?

Dogs are independent. They adapt remarkably well to change. Dogs also understand dependency. They will patiently wait for our guidance while going through changes. What is our approach to change? Do we resist/question change or do we go with the flow?

I am grateful for my dog. She loves me unconditionally. She has taught me to not take life so seriously. When I am stressed and my dog is near, I take a few moments to play with her. Playing with her is one of the best tension tamers in my life.

Yes, dogs lead a simple life. Observing a dog's life can teach us a lot about how we live and choices we make. It's up to each of us to ensure that we are living life to the fullest while taking time to relax and have fun. That's the only way to have a rewarding life.

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