Monday, February 3, 2014

Surviving The Deceitful Lies We Tell Ourselves

Throughout our lives, we have all heard things or been told things about ourselves that we may find hurtful. On top of these, are the lies that we tell our selves. "In order for me to be successful, I have to look and act a certain way; I'm insignificant; I'm not loved; I'm not good enough", etc.

These lies could have been perpetrated by a loved one or by the comparisons we make of our selves against others. We inflict pain on ourselves as we allow the lies to fester. We doubt our abilities which, in turn, impacts our confidence. We build walls to protect ourselves from becoming vulnerable. As an example, if as a child, you grew up in a family that didn't have enough money or food to eat, one of the lies that you may have told yourself is that you had to hoard up on food to protect yourself from starvation. This lie could manifest itself into a need to amass material things. Your lie may have begun with fearing a lack of food, however, it could also lead you down an entirely different path.

As we internalize these lies, we set ourselves up to be a victim or play the role of a martyr. When we are in the "martyr" role, it's easy to lay blame. Laying blame allows us to justify our position of being angry with other individuals, having an attitude against others or holding on to a grudge. Do you really want to have that much unhappiness in your life?

No matter where the lie originates from, it can cause hurt, anger and/or disgust. Why do we allow these non-truths to handicap us, to slow us down or to even stop us from believing that we can break the cycle of lies? Stop living in the past. Stop replaying the non-truths in your mind. Acknowledge the changes you've made toward having a positive life.

We are accountable for what we believe. We owe it to ourself to ensure that the digestion of our beliefs provides us with a clear picture of who we are. We can accomplish this by no longer accepting the lies. We no longer have to make the lies a subject of conversation. Let go of the lies. Holding on to the lies will only cause bitterness and frustration. Free yourself by examining what is in your heart. Conduct a self-analysis. Be honest. What is standing in the way of you breaking down the walls of lies you tell yourself?

Finally, your emotions will play into your lies. Fear, anxiety, anger, stubbornness are a few examples. Successfully identifying the emotion that you are dealing with, defusing or managing the emotion will contribute towards you facing truths about yourself. These truths will be the key to unlocking the lies. Claim your truths!! That's the only way to survive the deceitful lies we tell ourselves.

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