Saturday, August 3, 2013

The "Not Good Enough" Girl

I can recall as a child hearing messages over and over that provided a "not good enough" label. You're not good enough to sing in the choir and you're not good enough to play sports, were just a few of the negative beliefs that were ingrained in the learning center of my mind. What are negative beliefs? A negative belief is an untrue belief that keeps you stuck. Negative beliefs diminish the confidence in your abilities. Negative beliefs can impose shame on an individuals perception of them self.

These labels formed my belief system. My belief system provided my foundation. Anything I attempted and failed at was directly related to my belief that I was not good enough; that I didn't deserve it. I held on to those beliefs. Those beliefs were my reality. They carried me into my teens and early adulthood. I had adopted the philosophy of friends, parents, peers, etc., that promoted the "not good enough" descriptor.

Feelings and thoughts of not being good enough were woven into my decision making process. Every time I failed it confirmed that my false beliefs were correct. The reality that I had conceded, rolled over and accepted these limiting beliefs stopped me cold. I realized that these limiting, negative beliefs were imprisoning me. I knew that it was time for a change. I had to be honest with myself. I had to change how I saw myself.

Changing ones perception of ones self is not always easy. Think of your mind as a closet. In your mind's closet, you have accumulated many thoughts, ideas and beliefs (clothes). As you outgrow your clothes, you have to clean out what you no longer need. You have to rid yourself of what no longer fits. The same is true for negative, false beliefs. Don't hold on to a belief that doesn't show you in good form. Clothe yourself with new truths, new beliefs. As you get an urge to get back in to your comfortable clothes, ask your self why? What is happening that is causing you to doubt? What is taking you back to those "not good enough" days? What role are you playing? Are the choices you are making based on your old beliefs?

When you are in a "not good enough" mode, you may be seeking approval from others. Get that thought out of your mind. You do not need their approval. Other people do NOT define you. As long as you do your best you are good enough.

I challenge you to see the value in yourself. Adopt the scripture "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13 NKJV. Be all that you can be. The more you focus on what is good in your life, the more you will regain confidence. Having confidence will lead you to shedding that unwanted, unwarranted negative "not good enough" belief.

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