Monday, May 27, 2013

Dealing With Mental Constipation

Have you ever had one of those days where your mind is blocked and you just can't think any more? Your mind is on overload. You have so much going on that no other information can get through. You develop mental constipation wondering how you come up with some of the things you think, say and do.

What is causing the blockage? Are you carrying around or suppressing toxic thoughts and or making toxic choices? Toxic is defined as something being extremely harsh, malicious, or harmful. When you have toxicity in your life it could cause adverse effects (i.e. stress, headaches). How you handle this toxicity will determine whether you can unload some of the pressure being placed on your mind. Decisions will have to be made as to whether you want to detox your mind to eliminate any thoughts and or feelings that may be causing the blockage. Some of the culprits could be anger, unforgiveness, doubt, self-pity, complaining, shame, hurt, holding onto false beliefs, etc.

Are you ready to cleanse yourself of anything that is causing you to be or feel 'stuck'? Then it's time for a detox. In order to detox the mind, you have to identify what the issues are, and where they stem from. Are you willing to take a look at the makeup of your life? You may have to sort, sift through, and revisit many difficult situations. You may have said or done things you wish you could take back. You may carry negative thoughts of yourself based on childhood beliefs. If you are willing to be honest and  purge any negative thoughts and emotions, you can begin to heal your mind. You can lay the groundwork for having an unobstructed mind by developing a plan that will help you identify when you are reverting back to old behaviors. This will allow you to understand and take corrective steps immediately.

Dealing with mental constipation may seem very challenging. Think of it as getting rid of the clutter in your mind. It's time to free yourself. Once you start the process you'll make way for the new thoughts and emotions that are coming your way. How cool is that?

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