Thursday, May 23, 2013

Having Wrong Opinions Are Like Wearing Falsies

Falsies. Falsies are an artificial addition worn to enhance one's appearance.

Have you ever been exposed to someone trying to be something they're not? They try their best to hide their true personality. They are uncomfortable being themselves. Their belief is that they have to act a certain way in order to feel accepted. It's as though they are wearing falsies to lift themselves up. They walk around with what they perceive to be droopy lives based on the perceptions of others. They believe the labels others have placed on them. These labels can prevent your growth; prevent you from becoming who you were meant to be. 

We have a tendency to place more value on what others think of us. We want to be liked, respected and accepted. We doubt ourselves. We question the gifts we were born with when instead we should believe in those gifts.  

Life treats us how we expect to be treated. The way we internalize information about ourselves will determine how we display ourselves. Have the falsies or negative perceptions you are wearing become burdens? If your false belief is that you have no value, you will portray that persona. If you've allowed yourself to feel guilty about past negative behaviors then maybe, it's time for an adjustment. After all, what is the purpose of feeling guilty? Guilt gets you nowhere. It weighs you down and causes confusion. Why wear falsies when you can live a life that fits?

There comes a time in our life when we have to search our soul and come to terms with our role in the outcome of our life. We have the ability and power to make corrections. It's up to us whether we choose to live a flawed life based on incorrect perceptions. Forget what lies behind and strain forward to what lies ahead (Phil 3: 13). 

Don't waste any energy trying to change anther's perception of you. The labels others have of you should not be your priority. Identify and make any changes that will impact how you feel about yourself. Focus on the good qualities that you have deposited in your life. Let go of the need to please. Get your thoughts back in the right direction. Once you become comfortable with your "fit", the need for falsies will disappear and the hold the falsies have on your life will loosen. Having belief in yourself will support the changes you begin to see.

I read that Walt Disney was told that he wasn't creative & that he had no imagination. He went on to create and build Disneyland. So, don't buy into wrong opinions. Life is better when you focus on the positives.

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