Sunday, June 16, 2013

Lettuce Eat, Drink and Be Healthy (Part 2)

Growing up, the only kind of vegetables I can remember eating came from a can. As I began living on my own, vegetables were the furthest thing from my mind. On rare occasions (like at a get together or party) I did enjoy eating raw green beans, cucumbers, celery and carrots. I especially enjoyed the dipping sauce that accompanied these veggies.

I had friends that were vegetarians and loved their lifestyle. I, however, couldn't understand life without a good cheeseburger, bacon or a combination pizza. Each of these meals would be followed by a nice, cold, Coca Cola. As I got older, there were 3 major discoveries that had a big impact on my life. The first is that I began to see how weight gain had caused many health issues for my friends and family. The second is that I learned that as a Christian, my body was a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:19). How could I honor God with an unclean body? The third thing I discovered is that I am an emotional eater. I used food to comfort me during times of stress. Food couldn't hurt me like people could. If I had a "bad" day, food could always uplift me. Food didn't judge me.

These discoveries brought me to an understanding that I had to make some changes with how and what I ate. I had to change my eating habits. I began with prayer, the desire to get healthy and educating myself about raw vegetables. One of my ministers, Greta Andrews, wrote a book entitled "Divine Epicure's Recipe Book and Nutritional Guide" (sold on This book provided me with the foundation to start living a healthier life.

I've also become a big fan of green smoothies and juicing. Smoothies help to detox your body. There are so many great green smoothie recipes available in cookbooks and on the internet. Overall, just incorporating one new eating habit will start the process of eating wisely.
The following tidbits are offered to help you with your quest to eating healthier.
1.  Journal. It is imperative that you write down what you eat and any emotions you feel. This will help you identify when you are eating "just because". You will begin to readily identify when you are on an emotional eating binge. Then, you can take any necessary corrective action.
2.  Eat only when you are hungry. You can politely refuse any offers of food made to "just try it", "there's always room for dessert", "just one more bite" etc.
3.  Don't buy groceries when you're starving and always utilize a shopping list.
4.  Chew very slowly. Enjoy the food.
5.  The minute you feel full, stop eating. You don't have to eat everything on your plate. Better yet, only have small portions. You can always go back for more if you are still hungry. The idea is to stop eating when your body says to stop.
6.  Do not use the word diet. You're eating healthy.
7.  Listen to your body. It will provide you with what you need/want (i.e. I want fish, I want to eat only vegetables today, etc.).
8.  Pray for the wisdom, discernment and willpower to make the right food choices.

Once you've made the decision to eat healthy, don't forget to acknowledge your accomplishments, no matter how small. So, lettuce eat, drink and be healthy. You'll begin to feel more energized. Your body will react favorably, and you'll be much happier.

If you have any questions, you may contact me @

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