Sunday, September 29, 2013

Is Your Brain Being Spammed?

In our every day lives we face being spammed. Spamming can be described as receiving unsolicited email from unknown sources. There are now computer software programs that help to identify and reduce the amount of spam that is received.

Just as spam is received on our computer, our brain receives messages that can be considered as spam.  As far back as our childhood, the spam has been accumulating. When our brain is spammed, we receive and feed off of negative messages or false beliefs. These messages, received from parents, teachers, bosses, etc., can cause us to doubt our abilities, live in fear and at times make rash decisions. Each time we receive and accept spam into our brain, it's as if we tattooed or stained our brain with another covering of insecurity.

So, how do we get rid of the spam in our brain? What options do we have to move beyond past mistakes, disappointments, and pain that has built up inside of our brain? We have to look for ways that will help to restore how we perceive ourselves. Knocking down walls that keep us imprisoned and chained to the false beliefs is one of the first steps to consider. Transforming the negative thoughts into positive, encouraging beliefs can initially be challenging. It involves letting go of the spam and learning to trust in your abilities.

Picture if you will, living in a home with old tile or dilapidated carpeting. You decide it's time for an upgrade. To begin, you have to remove the old tile or carpeting, remove any padding, clean all the debris and dump the trash. Then, you have to lay down new padding and cover the floor with new carpet or lay down new tile.

This is what happens when you decide to remove the toxins and trash the spam in your brain. You clean up how you view your past hurts and you develop a better outlook. Your beliefs are transformed. The changes you make instill confidence.

Our brain needs the right type of "software" or encouragement to keep our brain "fresh". Our brain's "software" will identify and ultimately delete any negative spam as it appears.

Isn't it time you started to make changes to get rid of the spam in your brain? By doing so, you open your mind to new possibilities.

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