Monday, September 16, 2013

The Lies of My Heart

I can remember as a child having different feelings that would visit my heart. Good memories, represented by happiness, showed up quite frequently. I almost always knew when to expect these visits. I enjoyed the time I spent being happy. I would tuck those feelings away deep in my heart.

There would also be visits of sadness, judgments, shame, depression, anger etc. I never knew when to expect visits from these feelings. All I remember is how I felt after these visitors left. These visitors would whisper to me thoughts that took up space in my mind. Those whispers became known to me as lies of my heart.

The lies of my heart would visit whenever I began to doubt myself. As an example, I would hear the whispers of "you'll never get it" and "you can't do anything right". These lies would linger and take up residence. The lies became a permanent fixture. More and more, I believed the lies my visitors told me. The lies became a part of my persona.

I continued feeding off those lies, taking huge bites when I faced challenges and obstacles. I convinced myself that I couldn't handle "it"; that the lies were true. Every time I held on to those beliefs I began an internal battle that eventually became overwhelming.

I knew living this way had to stop. What could I do to cease the unwelcome visits and silence the whispers of negativity? These whispers were stealing my joy by twisting the truth. I no longer wanted to feel anger, sadness, shame, depression, or be judgmental.

I needed a belief system. I needed a power source that I could draw upon during times of stress and doubt. I had to determine how to free myself from the lies of my heart.

For me, this meant turning to my power source, Jesus Christ. I placed my faith and trust in Him. Now, when I hear a lie creeping into my heart telling me that "I am unworthy" or "I can't handle it", I recall the scripture, Phil 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". This helps me to believe in myself; to claim victory over the battle of negativity. As visitors approach the doorway to my heart, they now encounter a do not enter sign. The lies are no longer welcome.

What is your power source? How do you turn the negativity around in your heart? Dispose of any lies by reminding yourself of and focusing on your good qualities. You can build your foundation from there. Eventually you will become good at ridding yourself of any lies or false beliefs. You'll be able to quench the thought before it spreads. Ultimately, you become free of the lies of your heart.

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