Saturday, February 9, 2013

Gossip... Have you heard?

Gossip: a person who habitually reveals personnel or sensational facts about others; a rumor or report of an intimate nature; chatty talk.

As young children we've heard our parents talk about family members, friends, neighbors and co-workers. This was usually the norm and we typically didn't think twice about comments we may have heard.

When we enter grammar school, however, we begin to see how comments can have an impact (both positively and negatively). Do you recall the first time rumors were spread about you? I'll bet it wasn't a positive experience; that it was probably quite hurtful. How about rumors that you may have spread? Were you being spiteful; purposely spreading untruths? Were you just trying to "fit in"?

To me, gossip occurs when someone knowingly spreads or initiates untruths with the intent to hurt. The comments usually stem from jealousy, envy, and/or manipulation. Once the seeds of gossip are planted, the growth begins. If we are jealous of someone it's a no brainer to believe what we hear. It's just as easy to be willing to contribute to the cause by spreading the news. How easy it becomes to be both judge and jury.  We'll make our judgements whether we have the facts or not.

Being labeled as a gossip creates it's own dilemma. Are you a chatty Kathy/Ken? Have you bought into the false belief that being a gossip is part of every day life? You can rid yourself of that false belief by tapping into your conscience (that gut feeling you get when something isn't right). Don't participate in listening to or spreading information that you have not verified. Don't make judgements based on hearsay. Remember, you can't take back what you say.

Rise above any desire to hurt. This is your opportunity to make changes and be a better person.

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