Thursday, March 14, 2013

5 Signs That You're Bored With Your Job

Do you hate your job? Are you always in TGIF mode? You're not alone.

You may be feeling unhappy or stagnant @ your job, yet are unsure as to what is causing you to feel as you do. 5 signs that you're bored with your job are:
1.  It's become too routine.
2.  There's no challenge or growth opportunities.
3.  You're in it for or need the paycheck.
4.  You hate Monday's and can't wait for Friday's.
5.  You're not receiving the recognition you feel you deserve.

As a child, we're not afraid to try different things until we find what makes us happy. We are willing to do whatever it takes to continue to gain satisfaction. As we move into high school, we should have a better understanding of what to pursue in college. This understanding should be based on what you're passionate about.    

When you decide to pursue a job or career it's important that you know your talents, what your interests are, what your passions are and what your goals are. If you don't understand your own makeup, how will you determine the criteria required that will make and keep you happy?

One thing that is clear:  the salary should NEVER be the only deciding factor in pursuing a job/career. Do you identify with one of the 5 signs above? If you're fed up going to a job you don't like and you want to consider whether changing jobs is right for you contact me for a free consultation @

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