Thursday, May 16, 2013

Don't Pity The Fool Who Has No Clue

Do you have or know people in your life whose sole purpose it is to find fault with everything that comes their way? Their life is full of complaint after complaint after complaint. Nothing ever goes right for them. How frustrating it is to listen to someone who enjoys playing the victim? There is no culpability on their part. There's a sense of entitlement giving them the perception that they are "owed" certain privileges. They expect that their negative behavior is to be tolerated.

Complainers will attempt to manipulate, seek revenge and or try to punish those they feel have done them wrong. It doesn't bother them to ruin a reputation or provide incorrect information to prove their case.

If you attempt to correct them, they focus on tearing down your perception(s) by explaining the error of your judgment(s). These individuals look for other like minded individuals that they can bond with. They tend to compare their mistreatments with each other always careful to direct the blame away from themselves. Can you imagine eavesdropping on their conversations as they each try to one up each other?

I can't imagine the daily grueling routine one exposes themselves to in order to be a constant complainer. How much effort does it take to choose to be happy instead of deciding to spread negativity?

Complainers choose their environment. Stop acting clueless as though you have no idea how stressful your constant complaining affects others. Deciding to remain in this type of lifestyle is foolish. If the desire to make positive changes is lacking, then stop complaining. Don't spread your game of manipulation, revenge and punishment. Don't expect those of us that enjoy positive livelihoods to pity you. Admit you're flawed. Become a better person by being accountable. That's the only way to move away from the craziness of a complainer's life.

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