Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Spinning The Wheel of Doubt...

Decisions, decisions, decisions. We can't get away from making decisions. We face making decisions daily. Sometimes making decisions can be challenging. When we're in a situation that requires action, we make decisions based on whatever information is readily available to us at the time. This could lead to making quick or snap judgements.

Positive and negative thoughts enter our minds daily. We can hold on to these negative thoughts, which can be stressful. We can make judgements based on these negative thoughts, which could take us down the wrong path and lead to doubt.

At times, we second guess ourselves. We begin to experience doubt by questioning ourselves, our capabilities and or our actions. Doubt creates a smorgasbord of questions in our lives which leads to a constant fear of being wrong. We begin to feel as though we are second best. Doubt causes us to change our minds because we lose faith in our decisions. We spin the wheel of doubt landing on different avenues of outside influence. We compare the decisions we make to the decisions made by others in similar situations. We feel (incorrectly) that others have better answers than we do and can handle situations better than we can.

When faced with self-doubt, it's like playing "Let's make a deal" internally, choosing between door # 1, # 2 or # 3, and hoping that we made the right choice. If we don't choose wisely, we can end up with chaos.

How do you make your decisions? Thinking things through is the best course. Part of the decision making process is understanding that you don't have to decide, solve or overcome everything at once. We should consider the rippling effects that our choices can have on our day to day lives and the impact our choices have on others.

As you spin the wheel of doubt, you'll land in and face challenges. It's okay to reevaluate any decisions you have made. When doubt comes knocking on your door respond with confidence. Be receptive to changes. Like a tailor adjusting a suit to fit, confidence will shape your attitude ridding yourself of doubt. You'll feel as though you are dressed in the most expensive clothes. So, step out knowing that you have faith in and are confident with your decisions.

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