Sunday, May 5, 2013

Free To Dance

I enjoy dancing; the freedom of movement; no worries to think about. You can shift your body into different angles. You can dance fast or slow. You're free to just enjoy yourself; to be happy, not sad.

There's another way to D.A.N.C.E. ~ Deny Any Negativity Challenging Empowerment. Having the freedom of choice and of having clarity is like learning a new dance. Along the way you may get the steps wrong, you may fall or at times want to give up. You have to practice repeatedly to learn the steps.

Being free to dance is being able to prevent negativity from living inside of you; of being able to shake loose strongholds (i.e., stubbornness, jealousy, anger, bitterness, etc.), that are blocking you from being happy. When you D.A.N.C.E. you are loosed from any turmoil and or unforgiveness.

No matter how many times you trip over your feet or fall, you're able to pick yourself up and begin again. Fresh starts can be challenging, however, when you D.A.N.C.E., you can position yourself to allow different positive influences to enter your mind. You can maneuver these influences to alter any missteps. Your body will perform gracefully instead of performing with two left feet.

When you D.A.N.C.E., you gain more confidence. No more dancing around being insecure. You're not afraid of failing. You understand that each failure is teaching you and taking you to the next step. You become stronger.

Are you looking for ways to empower yourself? Then I encourage you to get up. Prepare yourself for new beginnings. Dare to step out and D.A.N.C.E.!!!

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