Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Day Of Thanks

Today in the United States we celebrated Thanksgiving. The day means different things for different people. For some, it's a day of getting together and sharing a meal with family and friends. For others it's a day to acknowledge being thankful for what you have in your life. Others will spend the day volunteering to feed those that are less fortunate. Then, there are those who view this day as just a regular day. They place no more importance on this day than any other day.

What does Thanksgiving mean to you? What are you grateful for?

For me, first and foremost, I am thankful to and for The Lord. I am thankful for the life He has provided me. I am thankful for His guidance and His love. I am thankful for the choices and many opportunities He sends my way. I am thankful for my faith; my beliefs.

It wasn't always that way. There was a time in my life that my being thankful had a different meaning. I was more grateful for material things. I had a sense of entitlement. Having the nicest clothes, a fancy car, and a huge house meant more to me. I wanted others to want my life. This resulted in my carrying a high rate of debt. I was in fear of people finding out that my life was a lie. I found that there was more to life than just having "stuff". I could have nice clothes, drive a nice car and have a nice house without living in debt. I began to change my ways, In doing so, my happiness and thankfulness in material things began to dwindle.

I am thankful for a healthy life. I am thankful for the freedom my country affords me. I am able to make choices, get a good education and live a good life. I give thanks that I can encourage people to pursue their dreams. I can lend an ear.

There are times when we have an opportunity to do things for others. We can literally make someone's day and put smiles on their faces. If you see someone who is sad, homeless, having a bad day at work, do you do something about it or do you ignore the situation? If you choose to help do you question the motives behind your act of kindness? Are you seeking an ego boost? Are you offering to help only to get something in return? Or do you do random acts of kindness and charity anonymously? Doing something just to secure some type of reward is the wrong approach to living a life of thankfulness.

We each have different reasons for being thankful. We have different approaches. Being thankful is an awesome way to live. Be thankful for the air you breathe; for the ability to see, hear, taste, see and feel. Be thankful that you can be all that you want to be.

If you believe in the power of prayer, thank God for answering your prayers. Be grateful for your provisions. Celebrate the goodness in your life daily. Life is too short to only show gratitude and thankfulness one day out of the year.

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