Friday, November 8, 2013

An Addictive Life

Many of us desire different things. At times, these desires turn into cravings. When the cravings become the driving force of our life, then it becomes an addiction.

Addiction is defined as a compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as nicotine or alcohol) characterized by tolerance & by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal. Addiction covers a broad spectrum that can include anything from food, relationships, health, money, etc.

How does an addiction begin? One example is that of being under stress. Having stress in our life wreaks havoc on our emotions. When we are dealing with situations that are overwhelming, where we don't see a way out, it's easy to turn to food and or alcohol. For some individuals, food and alcohol serve as a means of a temporary relief from having to cope with unbearable circumstances. It's a means of escaping negativity.

As we continue along the path of wanting to escape from our sorrows, our cravings become rituals.  These rituals become habit forming. We rely on the pleasure substance to meet our needs. We then entertain feelings of guilt for attempting to solve our problems via this cycle of addiction.

Addictions can stem from childhood memories, from a sport injury or a car accident. There are also addictions that stem from relationships. Have you ever met or been involved with someone whose addiction was belittling or bullying? Their craving or desire is to cause harm through words. They enjoy trying to make others feel unworthy. These individuals have low self-esteem. Their addiction is to discourage others; to convince them that they have no value. Don't believe their garbage. Throw it out. Learn to trust your insight and what you offer.

Don't allow someone else's addiction to cause you pain. You can offer to lend support to someone who wants to go through recovery. Be encouraging as they go through their trials and tribulations. Don't, however, live in denial with the addict. This is something that parents tend to do. It's hard to see your child suffer. The more you enable someone dealing with addictions the more the situation will remain as is.

If you happen to be the caretaker of an addict (no matter what the addiction) don't forget to take care of yourself. Understand that you can't solve the situation for them. Develop a thick skin and let their tirades roll off of you. Above all, have faith that eventually, the addict will move from living an addictive life into a better life. Now, that's something to look forward to!

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