Sunday, November 17, 2013

Just One More Chance

I'm a risk taker. Always have been. Although I enjoy taking risks, there are times that I shy away from taking chances. There are times when I just want to make a "safe" decision without worrying whether there will be any repercussions.

We've all experienced opportunities in which we question the decisions we are about to make or have already made. The dilemma we face is in having faith that we've chosen wisely.  Each circumstance we face can lead us in many directions. How do you determine the best option?

Taking that next step, not knowing whether our expectations will be met can be very daunting. If we over think the outcome, the stress builds up and we end up allowing doubt to plague us. There is also fear of the unknown. What happens if we make a choice and it's the wrong choice? Is there an easy fix or are we stuck with the decision we made?

Imagine that you have been presented with two great job opportunities. One job is local, the other job requires moving away from family and friends. You can envision being happy with either career move and you decide to go with whichever opportunity comes available first. Then you begin listening to the opinions of others and you begin to question whether you really weighed all of your options. What then? Do you begin to build yourself up to fear the outcome of your choice? Do you, after making the decision wonder what the outcome would be if you choose a different path? That's a normal reaction.  

Then there are times when we've made decisions that we have regretted. We wish for just one more chance to correct what may be viewed as a poor or wrong choice or decision. Maybe it was a decision to purchase a different car, going to a different college or taking a chance on a new relationship. Maybe it was learning something new, making changes or trying something different. After you made your decision, there was a feeling of regret, of wondering what could have been.

Sometimes, you just want to change your mind. You made your decision based on the criteria you previously had on hand. Then new information becomes available and you want one more chance to regroup and make sure that your original decision is still the best option.

The desire to have just one more chance is a normal reaction. It provides us with checks and balances to understand why we made the decisions we made and to make any necessary updates or corrections. Don't be afraid of taking risks, of taking one more chance. Remember, if you take a risk you win and this leads towards happiness. Poor choices may initially be perceived as a loss. You will find, however, that you learn by your mistakes. You begin to make better choices, choices that make you wiser. That's what having just one more chance is all about.

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