Friday, July 19, 2013

Living a Teflon-Coated Life

Do you remember the nursery rhyme "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"? As a child, that silly rhyme may have had no effect, however, as you got older, more value was placed on people's perceptions. It became easier to question and doubt who you thought you were.

Throughout our life we may have had to deal with condescending remarks, rudeness, disrespectfulness, etc. We will never understand what goes on in another persons mind. We can't understand why someone says some of the things they say.
Why is it so easy to allow your confidence to be shaken by someone throwing verbal stones? It's possible that there may be some repressed validity to the cutting remarks. During childhood, we may have supported negative beliefs about our character. Our lives may have been built on a shaky foundation stemming from negative or false beliefs. Each time we listened to and supported these false beliefs another layer of untruths were added to our foundation. Eventually, our foundation or confidence, would crack under the weight.

It's time to re-build and strengthen your foundation. One option to accomplish this is to stop believing the negatives. Other people's characterization should not be the basis of how we see ourselves. We need to develop thick skin & become teflon-coated. Picture, if you will, a frying pan that is coated with teflon. The coating allows for no food to stick to the pan. Just as with teflon, we need to allow the verbal attacks to roll off of us. Keep your mind coated with positiveness.

The phrase "bite your tongue" says it all. Maybe if one were to bite their tongue before any negative comments were made people would learn quickly to only speak nicely of others. Don't waste time on people who won't change their perception of you. What they think doesn't mater. Keep yourself oiled with teflon and watch how easy things will roll off. When you reach this point, your teflon-coated life will be untouchable by judgments because you will be clear on who you are.

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