Friday, July 26, 2013

Surviving Life's Sucker Punches

Life has a tendency to throw us many curve balls. If we don't move out of the way we'll be sucker punched. Being sucker punched is when life, without any warning, provides us with crisis after crisis. We are caught off guard. We ask ourselves "what more can go wrong?"

Sucker punches can start off small (i.e. a flat tire) and grow into larger problems (i.e. serious illness). I can recall an occasion when my car was scheduled for an oil change. While on my way to the mechanic, the airbag light lit up indicating that I needed to have the airbag checked. As the serviceman opened the hood of my car, I could see that some type of liquid had spilled. It was determined that there was a hole in the radiator that caused a leak. In addition, as my car was being checked for regular routine maintenance I was told that I needed four new tires. Sure enough the tires had been balding and I hadn't noticed that it was time for replacement. My oil change appointment ended up costing quite a bit as there was no way to get around purchasing the tires, repairing the airbag light and replacing the radiator. I felt sucker punched.

Whether it's car repairs, home repairs, divorce, loss of job/income or career, serious illnesses, etc., we all face difficulties. The important thing to remember is to not allow these punches to bruise your outlook on life. Think of all the children or people you know that are in the hospital greeting you with positive attitudes and wearing smiles on their faces even though they are battling cancer or recovering from the loss of a limb. Turn your thoughts around. Don't waste time wallowing in self-pity. Don't focus your thoughts on the "bad deal" life handed you.

As you enter the ring, size up your challenges. Are you going to meet these problems head on or are you going to duck in and out in an effort to avoid being hit again? You may not immediately knock out the issues you face. It may take a few rounds to beat down and overcome any opposition. You have the power to lessen the blows felt by being sucker punched. Are you going to block the blows or are you going to stand there and allow yourself to be knocked out?

It all starts with your outlook. If you expect to be defeated, then, you are predicting your own failure. If however, your attitude is that "this too shall pass", you open yourself up to new possibilities. When you approach things from a positive perspective it lessens the blows. You heal much quicker. Eventually, you can walk away from being sucker punched without any bruising. You will no longer feel threatened by any knockouts. You become the champion and that is what surviving life's sucker punches is all about.      

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