Friday, July 12, 2013

Me, Serve On Jury Duty?

Jury duty. My presence has been requested, however, I've never been selected to serve on a jury. I don't know whether that's good or bad. I know that I have a duty to serve. Do I really want the responsibility of judging the actions of others and then determining how my judgment will impact their future?

Our lives are filled with opportunities for judgments. We learn at an early age how to judge and that judgments are normal. We base our judgments on what we see and what we hear. These judgments can be offered with or without facts. There may even be exaggerations to minimize or over emphasize the situations.

Our judgments are oftentimes influenced by family, friends and preconceived ideas. As we mature, we have to develop the skills to make and trust our own assessments. It's up to us to ensure that if we are in a position where we have to judge, that we have done our research.

There are 2-3 well-known jury cases that are currently being televised. I'm intrigued by these cases. Not necessarily because of the crimes that were committed, but because of the lawyer's interpretations of the law and their case presentations based on the law. The facts seem at times to get lost in the law.

It's amazing how you can take one law and have several interpretations. You listen to the evidence presented. You draw your conclusions. Then you are instructed to make your judgments based on the law. Let's say, for example, you have a permit to carry a concealed weapon. You find yourself in a situation whereby you have to defend yourself. This results in causing serious harm to another individual. In this example, if the law says that you have the right to defend yourself then, it's difficult to understand whether you're judging the law, the accused or the crime committed.

Yes, there's a big responsibility to serving as a juror and there are some that understandably prefer not to serve on jury duty. There's a lot to consider when you are faced with knowledge that your judgment will impact someone's life. I know that eventually I will get the opportunity to do my duty. I hope and pray that when the opportunity presents itself, that The Lord gives me the wisdom and discernment to make the correct assessments and judgments.

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