Sunday, December 9, 2012


Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and felt like you weren't being listened to at all? They have this blank stare on their face; the deer in the headlight look. It's as though they were busted for pretending to be interested in the conversation.

Maybe, they kept waiting for a break in the conversation, or they interrupt the conversation, to add their viewpoint which was nowhere near what was being discussed. You wonder what happened. How is it that the response was so out of context with what you meant? What is the basis of their interpretation?

Based on our life experiences or biases, we tend to interpret what we hear and say. It's easy for us to make judgements of people/situations based on our own thoughts/beliefs. I've had this experience. I've decided to look @ how I listen & respond more closely. I've learned that everyone doesn't think what I think they think. That way I can learn & understand where the other person is coming from.

Above picture found HERE.

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