Sunday, December 2, 2012


Welcome to the Oops Your Underwear is Showing Blog. This blog is dedicated to our lives and how we live it when we think no one is watching. The blog is also written with the desire that info shared can be used beneficially. I hope to provide a little humor as we discuss different topics.

Have you ever met someone whom you perceived had it all together? They were funny, caring, always wanted to hang out. They had an outstanding personality; people were always drawn to their magnetism. Then one day you catch them off guard. The Dr.Jekyl persona emerges and you wonder what happened. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about about a sadist, an individual who may have medical issues or even an individual who is abusive.

I'm talking about the individual who is afraid that if their true personality were exposed, we wouldn't like them. Maybe they are trying to get over on us (thinking that we are naive). Their stories change as often as we change our underwear. I'm sorry to break the allure of these individual's perceptions, however, wake up!!. We are on to you. There is no need to make yourself out to be any different than you are. There's no reason for non-truths. What you work so hard to hide eventually is revealed. And guess what? We like you anyway!. We all have skeletons in our closet. Why do you think that your shortcomings are any worse than the next persons?

Would it surprise you to know that some of your closest friends also have their own Dr.Jekyl personality? It's what you do with this character flaw that matters. Are you hiding because you are shy? Or, maybe, you think your life is boring and needs some added spice? If you dislike someone and are putting on a "show", eventually you will slip & your true feelings will emerge. If you are hiding behind your own "mask", take the mask off and deal with the issue(s). You will be surprised at how 'freeing' your life becomes when you realize that people are receptive to another persons flaws. So,get out of your self-imposed prison. Put your big girl panties on and make any required changes.

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