Friday, April 5, 2013

Breaking The Piñata

I love piñata's. They are full of color and come in all shapes and sizes. Piñata 's are typically found @ children's birthday parties. The piñata's are usually filled with candy treats. When the piñata is broken, the treats are exposed, the contents spill out and the children scramble to grab as many pieces of candy as possible.

Like a piñata, our lives are shaped differently. We are stuffed with feelings and emotions. We face daily challenges that internally knock us around. We get overwhelmed with the "stuff" that we carry around with us. Why is it so easy to hold onto clutter from our past? Why do we keep repeating the same old behavior that keeps us stuck?

We struggle daily with our internal convictions as we try to portray a happy face, indicating to the outside world that everything is ok. When we reach our boiling point, we sometimes tend to expose our emotions to others. This can come across as sadness, silence, anger, etc. As often as we try to hide behind masks our true self continues to emerge. We're not fooling anyone. Our body language gives us away. Our bodies tense up which could lead to making hurtful comments (if we decide to speak at all).

We must be willing to take inventory of faults. We have to understand where any negative behavior stems from and be willing to overcome any perceived handicaps. Just as the piñata is broken, we must break any chains that are binding us to negative emotions or behaviors. We must be willing to acknowledge that we have faults and take the steps to make any required corrections or adjustments. We want the negativity in our lives to spill out so that we can make room for and create positive behavior and more happiness.

Have you ever experienced feelings of being stuck? Share with me below how or what you are willing to do to break your piñata.


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