Monday, April 8, 2013

For All The Single Ladies Out There

Hey single ladies. Do you obsess over being single; of never finding "the one"? If so, you're not alone.

In older generations, girls were raised knowing that their lot in life was to marry. Young girls would dream about being a "princess" for a day. As women became more independent, views about marriage changed. Although marriage was still considered, it wasn't necessarily the priority. Women began to focus more on having a job and or a career.

No matter what the views are regarding marriage, what is often overlooked is the process one takes to find a husband. Some women have taken a proactive approach by making a list of what they want or don't want in a husband. The list is then used to "weed out" individuals that are not a "match" (similarly to weeding out a job applicant). Utilizing a list as the foundation for a relationship could be detrimental. There is the possibility of overlooking a "diamond in the ruff". When using a list, would the future expectation then be that women would begin to list what they will or will not bring to the marriage?

In The Bible, there is a story of Ruth and Boaz. Ruth's husband died and her mother-in-law wanted Ruth to remarry, possibly a man of wealth. Eventually, Ruth and Boaz did marry. In an effort to get the husband you deserve and not "settle", it's important that single women know what characteristics they want in a husband.  Settling will not get you a man like Boaz (pronounced Bo-as). Settling could in fact get you hooked up with broke-as; cheap-as; lying-as; dumb-as; cheating-as; and crazy-as.

Relationships are difficult on their own without having baggage added. The best approach to determining whether the relationship is marriage material is through communication. What are the game changers for you? What are the things you will or won't accept?  By being honest, open and listening you can determine whether the character traits you require in a husband are present.

Know yourself. Know your strengths. Be strong enough to know that there are choices. You may opt to remain single.  Or, when you least expect it, you could meet your future husband. The bottom line is patience and determination are required in order to get what you deserve.

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