Friday, April 26, 2013

You Are Cordially Invited To A Pity Party

Pity Parties. Seriously?? What's the purpose?

It can be so draining being around someone who is always in 'pity party' mode. They're never happy unless they're complaining about someone or something. The pity party includes a guest list of whining, misery, bad attitudes, insecurity, etc. All guests eagerly await the opportunity to voice their complaints about how they are or were mistreated. They're never happy unless they can finger point and lay blame at someone else.

They play games of manipulation, revenge and maybe even punishment. Their face lights up as they enjoy their slice of self-pity. Their gifts of "woe is me" is never ending.

Have you ever been around someone who won't accept responsibility for their actions? It can be very frustrating. It's never their fault. They use manipulation as a means to attempt to get others to join the party of discontent. They have a critical mindset that promotes fear and judgements. When this happens it becomes very easy to lay blame. Why remain in misery while holding on to perceived problems?

It's time to let go of the emotional manipulation. Stop the self-pity that allows you to continuously run away from problems. Make the decision to stop convincing others to jump on your bandwagon. Take a good look at what is going on in your life. Are you contributing negatively? It takes courage to look at yourself and admit that you are flawed.

Decide to make changes and be happy. By choosing to be happy you'll lose all the reasons you had to wallow in self-pity. Working through your issues is a sure way to remove yourself from any future pity-party lists. As you continue to grow and change, the need for pity parties will become a thing of the past. Now that's a reason to celebrate!!

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