Monday, April 15, 2013

Causing Hurt

Violence surrounds us. So many people are affected and impacted by violence. I don't understand the criminal mind whereby someone wants to cause bodily harm to another individual. What does one get out of causing injury? How can anyone justify intentionally harming another?

I wonder what goes through the mind of someone who deliberately seeks to harm others. Is there any emotion? When the plan is set in motion to inflict pain, does one shut the door to any thoughts of remorse or regret?

People want to place the blame for their behavior on their parents and or their life as the reason for having somewhat of a criminal mind. Once you turn 18 and become a legal adult don't you become responsible for your own actions? Whether you had a bad childhood or not, you have options as to how you choose to live your life. You can choose to be positive or negative. If you know your actions are questionable you can stop and rethink what you are about to do.

I am praying for those who have been hurt by others. I pray that they will not allow the negativity to close the door to their heart. I pray that they will forgive the person causing the harm. I am also praying for the person who lives their life with cruelty in their heart. I pray that they will come to realize the harm that their actions bring to others. I pray that they choose a different course; a positive course. It will lead to a happier life.

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