Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Rippling Effects of Our Lives

Have you ever considered the rippling effects that our decisions make in and on our lives? Whether a child or adult, our choices can create changes that will affect others positively or negatively.

As a child, our decision to not play with another child can cause feelings of loneliness, sadness and unworthiness. As an adult, the decisions we make can impact our marriage, families, job, career, etc.

Consider for a moment being a child standing at a lake. The ground is littered with rocks. You pick up a rock and toss the rock into the water. As the rock makes contact with the water, the calmness of the lake is disrupted causing the water to ripple outwards. Each of the ripples represent an area of our lives.

When you wake in the morning you are provided with an opportunity to determine how to start your day. You can decide that you're going to have a great day or, you can decide to immediately start thinking about and focusing on the challenges in your life. You may not understand or even be aware of your decision to focus on the negative. When things don't go as we'd like, it's important that we choose and respond correctly. How we make decisions are vital.

Ultimately, whatever choice you make will begin the rippling effect. It will determine your frame of mind and also determine how you perceive different occurrences throughout the day. It will determine how you interact with people.

Begin to make positive choices and or changes. Take the required steps to reduce the ripples by taking charge of your life.

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