Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Feeling Stuck?

Have you ever felt stuck in a rut with no way out? Maybe you've done or said things you wish you hadn't. Maybe you have feelings of unworthiness. Or, maybe your mind is on overload and you just can't think anymore.

We've all been there. We get stuck in our thoughts and our ways and can't seem to find our way out of situations that we may have created. We just can't seem to overcome our challenges. We question how to rid ourselves from the toxicity in our lives. Our critical nature takes over and we place blame wherever we can. We don't want to own up to our role.

How do we move from sinking in sand to solid ground? First, we have to be honest with ourselves. We have to identify what is causing us to feel stuck. Some of the culprits could be financial, anger, indecision, doubt, self-pity, shame, hurt, complaining or unforgiveness. As we look at ourselves internally, we may see mirrored back to us negative thoughts we have of ourselves that are supported by childhood beliefs. Negative childhood beliefs are unfounded, wrong opinions that were imposed on us by people we viewed in authority. These labels contributed to our being 'stuck'.

Next, acknowledge that when you feel stuck, you are being given an opportunity to prune yourself. Take the time to crop, pare down or trim away anything that is keeping you mired down.

Doubt is a part of feeling stuck. If you are you plagued with doubt, this could signify that you are uncertain as to your capabilities. Don't allow the doubt to settle in your mind as it could keep you in "defeat" mode. Be receptive to change and see what opportunities are presented.

Finally, when facing change, you must take steps to unclog your mind. Change is not easy. You may hit several roadblocks. You may think it's not worth it. Don't give up. What matters is how you handle or accept change. Focus your mind on how you will benefit. Envision what it will be like to be free of limitations. Your efforts will not be in vain.

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