Monday, August 12, 2013

Take This Job and .....

Every now and then our job or career can feel a little stagnant. It can become mundane, void of any challenges or excitement. We wonder what happened. Maybe the job has been routine all along and we just chose to ignore our unhappiness. We get frustrated. We start to think there has got to be something better.

With all the competition for jobs, many individuals find themselves accepting a position they may never have considered. Along with that is the realization that the salary you were pursuing may have to be reevaluated. Many individuals have accepted lower paying jobs as either a stepping stone towards a specific career or as a result of the lack of jobs available in their specific job market.

So what happens when you are at a job that you dislike? If quitting is not an option, how do you get yourself back into a positive frame of mind? One of the things you can do is window shop. By window shopping you can enter the "store of life" in your mind. You can walk up and down the many aisles and see what is available. Travel, college, entrepreneurship (along with other options) are displayed for your benefit. Although you are just looking, window shopping can offer you options that you may have never considered. Window shopping can also assist in identifying jobs that aren't the right fit. You don't have to go down that aisle if you don't see what you need.

When pursuing a job or career, recalling what you enjoyed doing as a child is a great first step. Anything that you enjoyed doing over and over and carried over into your teens/adulthood can be revealing as to what you are passionate about. The point is that you consider a job doing what you enjoy.  
If, however, you have to work at a job that you are not passionate about you want to have a plan as to how you can migrate to a job of your choice. You don't want to be in a "Take this job and shove it" mode. Choose to get rid of any thoughts that will keep you stuck in any negativity. You want to plan accordingly so that you are prepared when it's time to make the next move.

What are you willing to do to remain happy? Make a list of what you like about your job and what you would like to change. Make the changes that are in your control. Make a list of what displeases you. Is there any "tweaking" on your part that is required? Do you need to adjust your performance so that things will be better?

Consider also, that there may not be anything you need to correct. You may have just outgrown your job. It just might be time for a change. Do you really want to stay in a job because you're afraid to start over or because you don't want to learn anything new?

Remember, life treats us how we expect to be treated. There comes a time in our life that we have to search our soul and come to terms with our role in the outcome of our life. It's up to us to pursue happiness. Will you remain at a job you're not passionate about or will you pursue happiness?

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