Saturday, August 31, 2013

Me, Myself and I

I saw a picture of a personalized license plate that read, MeFirst. I wondered what prompted the individual to want to display that message for all to see. Was it done as a joke? Is that what the individual really thinks?

Seeing the license plate made me think about the word entitlement. One of the definitions of entitlement is a belief that one is deserving of or entitled to certain privileges. There's a big difference in earning or working to obtain things versus expecting to be rewarded or given things "just because". Having a sense of entitlement goes beyond feeling good about yourself and your accomplishments. I'm not really sure how a sense of entitlement became the norm for so many people.

Too often, we see people who feel that money can buy them "positions" in life & maybe provide a false sense of being better than the average person. At times, there may be a perception that rules don't apply to them. As an example, some people have no problem parking in a handicap parking spot without the use of a placard.

How does one become "entitled"? One example is that of parents who are too busy to spend time with their children. Instead, the parents choose to buy their children every new toy or technology gadget that is out there. The expectation is that buying these things will allow the parents to continue with their workaholic tendencies. Another example is that of a parent who never had things when they were little so their tendency is to overcompensate. There are those who "buy" the love of their friends, family, etc. There are also those who just feel that they deserve everything.    

When your focus or attitude is "it's all about me, myself and I, what type of person are you? I wonder if there is any room for kindness, grace, humility or camaraderie. If the focus is all about you, there is no time to learn new things, enjoy true friendship, or even know what it's like to make someone else happy. Having a sense of entitlement deprives you of so many things. You don't know what it's like to accomplish something on your own. There is no sense of what is good about your self. You're uncomfortable when the attention is not on you. You expect that when things don't go your way, someone will always rescue you or bail you out of a bad situation.

I don't envy those living a life of entitlement. I see it as a lonely life filled with bitterness and jealousy. No matter who you may be with, you're still alone. Sooner or later you realize that life is more than material things. Material things get old, rusty and break down. They get easily replaced. Today is a good day to change your outlook. Life is so much better when you have good people in your life. Make the decision to focus on others. Find out what their interests are. See how you can be a better friend or person. You will find that people will be receptive to the change and your life will be more content.

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