Sunday, August 25, 2013

Your "In-look" Determines Your "Outlook"

Every day we face difficulties and challenges. Some can be very daunting while others just flow off of us. How we perceive these challenges and/or difficulties can make all the difference in the world. It can determine whether we have a positive or negative attitude. Throughout life we either in-look or we outlook.

Our in-look is how we internalize things. What is our DNA made of? Is there bitterness, envy or jealousy? Are we obnoxious or confrontational? Our in-look DNA is comprised of beliefs that were formed at an early age. If you were raised with positive traits such as encouragement, confidence, and kindness, you probably have a good in-look. If, however, you were raised with no self worth, no encouragement or you were mistreated, then your in-look may be far from positive.

Our outlook is how we perceive things. We will make judgments based on our perceptions. When things go wrong in our lives, we tend to lay blame wherever we can. Instead of dealing with whatever turmoil is going on inside of us, we find it easier to place blame on outside factions. For example, if we didn't get a promotion we wanted, we convince ourselves that it was someone else's fault that we missed out on the opportunity.

In-looking is not always easy. In-looking involves acknowledging both positive and negative traits. In-looking may require correcting issues that can be hurtful and painful. We have to acknowledge our flaws. What things are you doing continuously that causes you to complain about yourself? What emotions are ruling your mind, thoughts and actions? In-looking may require reprogramming our beliefs and our thoughts.

We want our in-look thoughts to have strong influences on our outlook and our life. So, how does one go about accomplishing this? We have to determine what needs changing and whether we want to make any changes. Then we need to develop a plan to initiate these changes into our daily routine. There may be times that we revert back to our previous beliefs and negative thoughts. That's ok. Don't give up. Keep moving forward.

It's time to stop our in-look perceptions from being governed by our outlook or circumstances. We all have our blind spots. You have to understand yourself from the inside out. When you stop nurturing the negativity they get weaker until ultimately they disappear. This process will take discipline, however, it is doable. Remember, your "in-look" determines your "outlook. It's up to you to ensure that you have the right way of "looking" at things.

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