Thursday, January 3, 2013

Woe is Me.

Do you have a "victims mentality"? Do you feel as if there's a rain cloud following you around? Boy, have I been there. I used to blame others for things that happened to me. It wasn't my fault. Someone did something to provoke me; to get a reaction out of me. People were mean to me.

Have you been in situations where parents, siblings, friends, teachers and/or bosses told you that you just didn't get it; you didn't have what it takes; you were worthless; or you would never be successful? How many times did you not only believe those lies, you allowed the lies to fester? I know how that feels. I believed many of what authority figures told me. Because of these false beliefs/perceptions, I was able to justify and support my past negative behaviors. My victims mentality enabled me to easily explain away all the reasons why I shouldn't trust people; why I was always angry and why I didn't like myself.

As I got older, I realized how unhealthy this attitude was. I began to understand that not everyone had a clear picture of who I was. I began to see that people were comparing me to and judging me based on how they were raised (which only led to misjudgments). People expected me to behave as they would behave.

I had a strong desire for more happiness in my life. I started believing in myself. My attitude began to change. Little by little I knocked down the false beliefs, ideas and concepts that was clogging my brain. Getting clear on who I am and where my life was headed led me on a different path. The woe in me became the "Wow in Me".

I  became a DIVA. I:

D on't
I nternalize
V ictim
A ttitudes  

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