Friday, June 7, 2013

Bargain Basement Mentality

Many years ago, some of the big department stores used to have "bargain basements". Bargain basements, filled with low-priced sale items, seemed to cater to people who lacked money or had very low income. Any family shopping in bargain basements were perceived to be poor, from the wrong side of the track. Bargain basement shopping could prove embarrassing to families. Kids dressed in bargain clothes were made fun of. Parents who could only afford to shop in bargain basements were shunned. They were excluded from "in crowd" opportunities, jobs and activities.

When you grow up with bargain basement mentality, you encounter feelings of lack. You carry self-doubt stemming from lies or negative comments directed towards you. Those lies or false beliefs are passed down from people held in authority (parents, teachers, bosses, etc.). These same false beliefs or lies can hold us captive, keeping us stuck.

Bargain basement lies can fill our minds with thoughts that we aren't pretty, we're no good, we're unlovable, we're worthless, etc. At times, there is the mindset of not having enough money or, of not being able to afford nice things. Saving, managing or keeping money can be a challenge.

So, how do you rid your self of any negative thoughts or hurts from your past? It's not like you can throw these thoughts or hurts away. After all, you've carried a lot of these beliefs from early childhood. One of the first steps is to challenge the negative beliefs by gaining clarity. If you continue to believe the negativity then typically there's no desire to change. If, however, you find that you no longer support the negative beliefs, you can choose to make changes. Taking this approach will move you forward in turning things around.

Only you have the power to make effective changes.  Just as the meaning of bargain basement shopping has changed from one of lack to one of being a savvy shopper, you can change how you see yourself.

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