Monday, June 10, 2013

I'm Not Afraid Of You

Fear. We've all experienced fear. Fear causes anxiety, uncertainty and a loss of courage. Did you ever play freeze tag as a kid? During the game you were chased. Once the person chasing you caught you, you were considered "tagged". This meant you had to remain "frozen" in whatever position and location you were in. You couldn't move until the game was over.

That's how fear affects us. Fear immobilizes us. We can't move forward because we feel stuck. At times, we don't want to deal with certain things so we tend to avoid specific situations. As an example, we live our lives maxed out on credit cards fearing that people will find out that we are financially stretched beyond our limits. We hide behind invisible masks fearing that people will get too close and that our true nature or our real persona will be revealed. We fear that family and friends won't like the real person hiding behind the masks.

We are afraid to try different or new things for fear that we won't measure up to others. We have feelings of being inadequate. We are so fearful of being found out that we allow fear to place and keep us in a self-imposed prison.

It's time to release our fears. One of the ways to accomplish this is by analyzing what our fears are revealing to us. What is causing any fear, misery or resistance? Are there aspects in your life that may require change? Acknowledging what is causing you feelings of having to be "on guard" will allow you to gain clarity in breaking any strongholds.

Tell your fears that you no longer fear them. Take back your control by gaining confidence. Confidence provides you with faith and belief in yourself. Having confidence gives you the desire to try. Being confident in your abilities allows you to be you. Confidence provides you with the inner strength you need to face things; to no longer be afraid.

Fear is a lie. When you know and accept this beyond a doubt, you will no long be afraid of fear.

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