Sunday, June 2, 2013

Purging Our Ears

We've all been in situations where we've heard comments that make us cringe. We've heard loud, obnoxious talk out of the mouths of individuals who are constantly complaining, making rude comments or providing us with their negative banter. We have also met or have people in our lives who just go on and on about themselves. They have an opinion about everyone and everything. For example, if there's controversy regarding a sports player, this person is not shy about sharing their viewpoints on the issue whether you asked them to or not. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to stop time or maybe hit a delete button that allows you to purge your ears from all the melodrama?

Every day we are exposed to the constant barrage of negativity that other's feel is their duty to share with us. Although at times we've made polite excuses to escape the conversation, there are individuals that keep talking, having no clue or care that we are trying to walk away.

What purpose does it serve to be critical of others? Where is the accountability of the individuals who speaks in haste, knowing that what they say may not be true? Once untrue comments are made you can't take it back no matter how many times you apologize. So many good reputations have been ruined by character assassinations. You must take a stand and advise these individuals that you don't want to hear the swearing, name calling, derogatory comments, remarks, etc.

It's not enough to just plug our ears. We have to explore why others feel it's okay to unload on us. Do you enjoy being on the receiving end of the negativity? Once you understand what is occurring, you have to set boundaries to prevent this behavior from reoccurring.

Proverbs 17:14 states, "When you're in it up to your ears, keep your mouth shut". Don't allow yourself to be drawn back in. Purge your ears of negative talk, gossip and or comments. Stop participating in these infectious conversations. The better approach is instead to choose to hear about the good things in life and people.

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