Sunday, June 23, 2013

Deactivating The Negative Genes In Our Mind

At birth, we are made up of genes that are obtained from both of our parents. As we grow and mature, the genes of our mind provide us with both positive and negative thoughts. These thoughts or beliefs are inherited, or passed down generationally. What we do with our thoughts will determine the type of life we live.

Growing up, we may have faced a life of positive messages. Messages that empowered us or taught us that we can be anything we set our mind to. These messages showed us that if we do our best, life will lead us in the right direction. What happens though when the messages we received were negative? What if you grew up with a belief system that supported messages of failure, of disappointment or of constant doubt of your capabilities?

What we choose to believe will determine how our life will unfold. Don't allow the negatives to rule how your life is developed. You can choose to deactivate any negative genes that were handed down to you. You can rid yourself of a negative past and of self-pity, etc. Stop playing the blame game of "It's not my fault that I turned out the way I did." "It's because my parents were mean or abusive", etc. Get over it! You may not have been able to change your situation as a child, however, once you turned 18, you became responsible for your own choices. You gained the power to make decisions for any situation relating to your future.

If your desire is to live a happier, productive life you may want to examine how your mind thinks. Take a look at what isn't working and figure out what changes may be required of you. Do you want to imitate the negative life that was modeled for you or do you want to make adjustments that will set a new life standard? It's time to be accountable for your self by accepting responsibility for your thoughts and actions.

Your thoughts and the decisions you make have an impact on you as well as on others. As a child, we followed by example not by advice. That's not how we want to live as an adult. Making changes and becoming a more positive person will impact your destiny and your legacy. So, get rid of any false beliefs or thoughts. Deactivate any negative genes that are in your mind. Choose to be positive. That's the only way to ensure happiness.

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