Friday, June 21, 2013

If Only Ignorance Were Painful

I can't stand it anymore!! What is up with these constant complainers? My goodness. What a waste of time. How do you find comfort in playing the victim? Do you really enjoy the stress, the negative attitudes and the conflicts that are a part of your daily life?

If you wake up and tell yourself that today is going to be a lousy day, then you have already set your mind to expect a bad day. If you start your day making a mental list of all the people and things that irritate you and how you are going to get back at them, then you are promoting your negative behavior. These types of thoughts lay the foundation and provide the support that you feel entitled to in order to justify your mistreatment of others.

Complainers choose their environment. I don't understand why there is a tendency to behave as though they have a complete lack of knowledge or awareness (ignorance) as to how their behavior affects others.

What would happen if during their game of manipulation they were asked to correct their behavior? What if every time these complainers acted foolishly or ignorantly someone held them accountable for their actions? I can only imagine how painful it would be for them to admit to their flaws. Isn't it time to get out of the self-pity mode? Take the first step towards turning your life around.

So go ahead and change your ways. Choose to have a glorious day. Treat others with respect. Think kind, positive thoughts. Remember, life is less painful when you choose to be happy.

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