Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Rewire Your Mind...The Rest Will Follow

Compliments. We've all received and have given compliments. At times, it's easier to give a compliment rather than receive a compliment. What is the reasoning behind that?

I enjoy complimenting individuals. I find compliments can be very uplifting. I can, however, recall times in my life as a young child when I was incapable of accepting a compliment. If you told me that you liked my smile I would make a negative comment about my crooked tooth. If you told me you liked my dress, I would make a negative comment about the style, color, or length of the dress. I always found a way to dispute compliments.

As I started getting older I began to question why I was so uncomfortable with compliments. I didn't like any attention being drawn towards me. I learned that I was very self-critical as a result of receiving "rejection" messages from my parents, teachers and other individuals. Those rejections contradicted any "positive" messages. I had been trained to believe false things about myself.

So, how does one go about reversing or getting rid of the negative inner chatter? The first thing that comes to mind is to rewire your mind. Stop supporting those negative beliefs by thinking of and focusing on your good qualities. When a negative thought enters your mind replace those thoughts with something positive. Remember, what you think is what you become.

Don't withdraw when you hear any limiting or destructive messages. Each of us has the ability to replace any doubt with confidence. Free your mind from rejection. Don't buy into the baloney that is or was being fed to you. Rid yourself of any toxicity. Make the necessary changes to go from woe is me to wow is me.

I became a confident individual. I attribute this transformation to my desire to change. I wanted my self-portrait to matter to me. I was no longer going to support any thoughts being offered by any negative voices. As a Christian, I like knowing that God made me who I am. His perception of me is what matters. Today, when I receive compliments, I simply smile and say thank you.

So, go ahead. Rewire your mind. The rest will follow.

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